Pre-Marriage Counseling

We take marriage very seriously at Canyon Hills Community Church and trust that you do as well, which is why you have come to this particular page.  Teenagers spend hundreds of hours preparing to drive a car.  Young recruits spends months preparing to be soldiers.  If driving and the military require months of preparation, how much more should a couple considering marriage prepare for one of the most important decisions that they will ever make.

Canyon Hills Community Church places a high value on pre-marriage counseling and will not allow any pastors of the church to perform a wedding unless the couple has completed pre-marriage counseling that is exhaustive and rigorous.

If you are considering marriage, we HIGHLY encourage you to get signed up for pre-marriage counseling.  If you are already engaged then we HIGHLY encourage you to get signed up for pre-marriage counseling immediately.  

In order to get signed up, you will need to download, complete and deliver to our office the Pre-Marriage Paperwork. Once we receive the paperwork, we will work as fast as we can to get you connected to a pre-marriage mentor couple who will take you through our curriculum.

At times, we have so many couples preparing for marriage that our counseling takes place in a class setting.  Our curriculum takes approximately 8-10 weeks to complete.  After you have completed the counseling, you will then be put in contact with a pastor who can perform your wedding.  (If you have a pastor in mind, it would be good to let that pastor know of your intentions and date.)

Pre-Marriage Counseling Paperwork